What is Memoria Press Academy?

Memoria Press Academy is an online homeschool program that offers a classical Christian education to students in grades K-12. The program is designed to provide a rigorous and engaging education that prepares students for college and beyond, while also instilling a love of learning and a strong foundation in Christian values and virtues.

History of Memoria Press Academy

Memoria Press Academy was founded in 2003 by Martin Cothran, a veteran homeschooling parent and teacher who was frustrated with the lack of high-quality homeschool programs available to families. Cothran wanted to provide a rigorous and comprehensive education that was rooted in the classical tradition and focused on Christian values and virtues.
Over the years, Memoria Press Academy has grown into a highly respected and widely recognized homeschool program, serving thousands of families across the United States and around the world. The program has received numerous awards and accolades for its academic excellence and innovative approach to education.

Curriculum and Instruction

The Memoria Press Academy program offers a comprehensive and integrated curriculum that covers all core subject areas, including language arts, math, science, social studies, and Latin. The curriculum is designed to meet the standards of classical education, which emphasizes the study of the great works of literature, history, and philosophy.

The program is structured around the traditional Trivium model of education, which consists of three stages: the Grammar Stage, the Logic Stage, and the Rhetoric Stage. The Grammar Stage focuses on the basic building blocks of language, math, science, and history, while the Logic Stage emphasizes critical thinking and analysis, and the Rhetoric Stage emphasizes communication and persuasion.
The Memoria Press Academy program is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing families to customize their child’s education to meet their individual needs and goals. Parents can choose between two instructional models: the teacher-led model, in which a certified teacher provides instruction and support to the student; or the self-paced model, in which the student works independently through the curriculum.

In the teacher-led model, students receive regular feedback and assessment from their teacher, and have access to online resources and support. In the self-paced model, students have access to a wide range of resources and support, including lesson plans, teacher guides, and online resources.

Memoria Press Academy also offers a wide range of electives and extracurricular activities, including art, music, physical education, and foreign language. These courses are designed to provide students with a well-rounded education and to help them explore their interests and passions.

Technology and Support

Memoria Press Academy utilizes the latest technology to enhance the learning experience and provide students with access to a wide range of online resources and support. The program features an online platform that allows students to access their assignments, track their progress, and communicate with their teachers and peers.

Memoria Press Academy also provides families with a wide range of support services, including academic counseling, college and career planning, and support for students with special needs. The program also offers parent training and support to help parents effectively teach their children and navigate the homeschooling process.

Accreditation and Recognition

Memoria Press Academy is fully accredited by the National Association of Private Schools and is recognized by colleges and universities across the United States. The program is also a member of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools, which promotes the classical tradition of education and Christian values and virtues.

This program is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing families to customize their child’s education to meet their individual needs and goals. With a strong focus on academic excellence, Christian values and virtues, and innovative technology and support, Memoria Press Academy provides families with a high-quality homeschooling option that is both effective and convenient.
One of the key strengths of Memoria Press Academy is its commitment to the classical tradition of education. The program emphasizes the study of the great works of literature, history, and philosophy, and teaches students to think critically and analytically. This approach to education is designed to cultivate a love of learning and a deep understanding of the world and its history, as well as to prepare students for success in college and beyond.

Another strength of Memoria Press Academy is its focus on Christian values and virtues. The program seeks to instill in students a strong foundation in Christian morality, ethics, and spirituality, and encourages students to live a life of service and compassion. This approach to education is designed to help students develop a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives, and to become responsible and ethical members of society.

The flexibility and adaptability of the Memoria Press Academy program is also a major strength. The program offers two instructional models, allowing families to choose the model that works best for their child and their family. The program is also designed to be customizable, allowing families to tailor their child’s education to their individual needs and goals.

One potential weakness of the Memoria Press Academy program is its emphasis on the classical tradition of education. While this approach to education can be highly effective for some students, it may not be the best fit for all students. Students who are more interested in STEM fields, for example, may not find the classical approach to education as engaging or relevant to their interests.
Another potential weakness of the program is its focus on Christian values and virtues. While this emphasis can be a strength for families who share these values, it may not be the best fit for families who hold different religious or philosophical beliefs. Families who are looking for a secular homeschool program may want to consider other options.

Overall, Memoria Press Academy is a high-quality and innovative homeschool program that provides a classical Christian education to students in grades K-12. The program’s commitment to academic excellence, Christian values and virtues, and flexibility and adaptability make it a popular choice among homeschooling families. By providing a rigorous and engaging education that prepares students for college and beyond, Memoria Press Academy helps families to ensure their child’s academic and personal success.

Perry Bradley

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